Reset a User’s Password

You can change other user's account passwords if your security role has permissions to update user accounts on Contact and Staff documents at the Org level. Reset a user's password in Proliance by clicking the Edit button on the user's Account page and then clicking Reset Password.

Note: You can reset the password for your own account using the process described below, or use the more common "Changing Your Password" method.

Administrators can change a user's password without regard to password history restrictions. If an administrator changes a user’s password, only password complexity and length restrictions are enforced. If an administrator uses the process to change the password on their own account, the password history policy is enforced.

To reset a user's password in Proliance

  1. Open the Open the Contacts or Staff register from the Organization work area.
  2. On the Staff or Contacts page, click the user account to modify.
  3. The user Main page displays.

  4. On the page menu, click Edit to enter edit mode.
  5. Click Account.
  6. The Account page displays.

  7. On the Password Expiration Policy line, click Reset Password.
  8. The Reset Password dialog displays.

  9. In the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, enter the user's new password and confirm it.
  10. Clear the Must Change Password Next login check box to allow the user to continue using the password or keep the default setting to require the user to immediately change their password on their next log in.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Save the Staff or Contact document.

You must save the Staff or Contact document before the password is reset.

Note: Resetting a users password will reset the maximum password age countdown for the password.